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School Makeover Project

Bonnicare Foundation School Makeover Project is one of our first initiatives. The project began in 2022.

SGBV & Pad Project

Bonnicare Foundation is dedicated to equipping rural dwellers with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities as well as educating teenagers.

Family Empowerment & Support

Bonnicare Foundation is dedicated to supporting rural communities by improving their living environment.

Project Blessed

This project was designed specifically for a 7-year-old primary 1 school child who was suffering from Scalp Dermatitis which resulted in flies’ infestation and sores all over her head.

Beauty of a Village Project - Christmas Party

This project is dedicated to celebrating the beauty of rural communities, their culture, local talent and heritage.

Medical Support

Underprivileged communities often lack access to quality healthcare. This can be due to a number of factors, including poverty, lack of insurance, and distance to healthcare facilities.

Bonnicare Foundation is dedicated to building a better future for our communities. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality health care, education, and economic empowerment.

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Contact Info


Jafel Plaza, No. 6 Obol Ubi Ujong Inah Avenue, Njeleko, Ugep


Phone Number

+234 815 311 6955